Discovering the Curved Aspens of Colorado

What Are The Curved Aspens?

Deep in the heart of Colorado's rugged wilderness lies a natural wonder that has captivated photographers and outdoor enthusiasts… the curved aspens. These unique aspen trees are curved back and forth and look almost as if they are dancing in a beautiful aspen forest. The curved aspens are amazing to see all year but especially pop in the fall when the aspens leaves change to yellow and orange.

Why Are The Aspens Curved?

The amazing curves of these aspens are a result of a geological phenomenon called soil creep. Early in the trees' lives, avalanches caused the soil to shift and it forced the young aspen trees to grow in a curved manner to reach for the sunlight they needed to thrive. You can find aspens trees all over the world with unique curves in them but this specific location seems to have incredibly drastic curves in the aspen trees.

Finding The Curved Aspens

I first saw photographs of the Curved aspens online and knew this was a location I wanted to find and photograph! However, the location of these trees was not easy to locate. Many people online mentioned the general area of the trees but did not include the exact coordinates or location of the trees. I had to do some digging on the internet in places like reddit and beyond in order to figure out that the trees were in the general area of Ophir, Colorado off of a dirt road.

My friends and I arrived on this road at night and set up our campsite off the road in the dark when we arrived. We spent the next few days wandering the area as there is a ton to see in the San Juan Mountain area of Colorado. We did know the trees were near and we were keeping our eyes out but still struggled to find them. Finally as we were driving back to camp one day we saw a bunch of cars pulled over not too far from out camp and knew that this may be it! We got out and sure it was, the curved aspens! They wound up being less than a mile from where we were camping the whole weekend… lol.

Preserving the Mystery of The Curved Aspens

I would love to share the exact location to the curved aspens however, there is something powerful in discovering locations for oneself and also allowing nature to not be disturbed by people who may not treat it with respect. I will say that through my own research on the internet I was able to find enough hints to figure out where the curved aspen trees were and anyone else in search has the same tools available to find this amazing location. A little digging on the internet and it isn’t too hard to find.


The curved aspens of Colorado are a testament to nature's ability to adapt and thrive. Their twisted forms not only captivate photographers but also inspire a sense of wonder and appreciation for the world we live in. Whether you choose to embark on the quest to find them or simply admire their beauty from nature photographs, these aspen trees remind us of the beauty that lies hidden in the great outdoors, waiting to be discovered by those willing to seek it out.

Photograph taken near Telluride, Colorado


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