An Unforgettable Day at Joshua Tree National Park

Glowing group of cholla cactus in the cactus garden at Joshua Tree National Park during sunrise.

About Joshua Tree National Park

There are a lot of Joshua Trees here, to my surprise. I knew there would be a ton of Joshua Tree’s but I never imagined seeing endless miles of them. Each tree is different from the next and so many different angles and perspectives can be captured.

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My trip to Joshua Tree only lasted a day because of time constraints but I was still able to see most of the park and capture a lot of cool scenery. Joshua Tree isn’t the largest place so a day is enough time to see everything but I would suggest spending two or three just to explore a little bit more as there is a lot out there.

Joshua Tree Night Photography

I arrived at Joshua Tree later at night but it was perfect because there were clear skies and lots of opportunities for astrophotography. There are a limitless number of places and angles to go to get cool shots of the night sky at Joshua Tree. There is also not very much light pollution from surrounding areas which helps create a darker night sky. I want to get back this summer to capture the milky way. If you don’t feel confident in your astrophotography abilities or just want to learn some more techniques check out my blog on Taking Epic Astrophotography.

Sunrise at Cholla Cactus Garden

I slept for a few hours and then was up for sunrise. I had heard that the Cholla Cactus Garden was the place to go for the sunrise and oh boy was it. You can walk throughout the vast garden of cactuses as much as you want to find a nice spot to set up which is what I did. Just make sure to be careful. I was stunned to see how the sunlight reflected off of the cactuses. It was easily one of the most amazing things I had ever seen and I highly recommend this as the number one thing to do while you are at Joshua Tree. The glow only lasts for about 15 minutes so make sure to get set up early before the sun comes over the horizon. I remember the breathtaking effect that this experience had on me. I felt as if I were high, as crazy as that may or may not sound.

Arch Rock, Skull Rock and Keys View

After visiting the Cactus Garden for sunrise, I headed to Arch Rock. I got lost and wound up hiking way out of the way but there were still amazing views. The campground near the rock is currently closed due to COVID-19 but there is a parking lot about a mile away. The trail isn’t too hard to get lost on, I just wasn’t paying too much attention. Just take a look at the sign after crossing the road and head right shortly after. The Arch was cool and provides some great photo opportunities.

I continued driving through the park and my next stop was at skull rock which I thought looked like a skull. There is also a lot of fun and beginner rock climbing in the area with some good views of the surrounding Joshua Trees.

I made quite a few pitstops on my way to Keys View which is the highest point in the park. There are plenty of great stops throughout the park to hike, rock climb, and take pictures of Joshua Trees. I was surprised when I got to Keys View, I didn’t realize I had driven so far up. There were amazing 180-degree views all around.


I did some more exploring around the park and headed to the dam but it was empty and dried up. Needless to say, it was a great day trip to the park and I don’t feel as though I missed anything important. I do hope to return with my newfound photography skills and astrophotography knowledge to capture some more moments. The only real tip I have for this park is DON’T MISS THE SUNRISE AT THE CACTUS GARDEN!


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